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Recall Skills – Training Dogs

Katrina Johnson - RVH Dip Inst Dog Trainer, City & Guilds Exotics Certificate

Training dogs to come back when called is all about having a good positive relationship with your dog. Kat Johnson RVN shares her top tips.

Tips For Training Dogs To Come Back

  1. With puppies this should be started as soon as they are old enough to go outside.
  2. Rescue dogs we need to take more time with, getting them used to a new home and building a trust with their new owners.
  3. Practice in the garden to start with, making it fun to come to you as play or give treats as soon as the dog comes to you.
  4. Daily recall training should be done where there are little distractions (not a busy sunny day at the park where loads of people and other dogs are).
  5. Do not let the dogs go too far away from you at the beginning of training.
  6. Change the rewards you are giving your dog on a daily basis. Mix it up with normal dog food/special dog treats and high value food treats such as hot dog sausages. Include toys and play especially with young dogs.
  7. Keep the dogs coming back to you every few minutes and sometimes put them back on
    the lead. This will stop the dogs associating that the lead means home time and the end of fun.
  8. Never tell the dog off when it comes back to you, no matter how much you have struggled to get it to come. Otherwise next time the dog will be more reluctant as thinks it will be told off. Think about what the problem was i.e. too many distractions, no reward been given or dog not interested in the reward on offer.
  9. Do not chase the dog. If the dog is not coming towards you when you call turn around and run in opposite direction, or pretend to find something more interesting on the floor. If you start to approach the dog the dog will think it’s a game and run further away.
  10. Attending dog training classes. This is an excellent way to teach your dog to come
    back in a safe environment where there are other dogs and people.

Dog Training Classes At Pride Veterinary Centre

Training classes are held at Pride Veterinary Centre on a Wednesday and Sunday. For more information please contact the reception team at our Park Farm practice on 01332 554422 or speak to our dog trainer Kat Johnson.